
Identities and Allyships

A person may have links and relationships to many different communities based on identity markers. These markers may be aspects that an individual is born into like ethnicity or formed through joining a community such as a university, a faith group, or through creating family bonds such as marriage.

When a person enters and interacts with a community new to them, how a person identifies themselves plays a role in determining their relationships with these communities, whether as contributing members or as allies in case of social struggles.

In this video Mozynah Nofal talks about the different identity markers that she identifies and the allyships formed with communities that she is not necessarily part of.


Trycia describes how her identity affects her relationship with the communities she is allied and working in solidarity with. Trycia emphasizes the importance of being conscious of the power relations that comes with identity markers in a context of social inequality and privileged communities.


Mozynah and Trycia describe the positions that they take as individuals depending on how they are tied to the different communities that they work with. Their identity markers influence the relationship they hold and maintain with these communities.

Who is my Community? (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Community-Based Solutions
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