Introduction to Project Management


The next stage is to plan how to execute the project, which generally will take the community developing a Project Plan as a deliverable. In this video, professor Lavagnon explains why planning the project is important and which tools can be used to do it.

00:14-7:15 ADM4103 Project Management – Video 8 – YouTube

As you can see, project planning is about outlining a plan to describe:

  1. What is the project about (its requirements, objectives, scope)?
  2. How is it going to be executed (the tasks and activities required to complete it)?
  3. When is each activity going to be completed (the time and schedule)?
  4. What resources is it going to require?
  5. And who is going to do what (which community member is going to be responsible for this or that activity)?

In your e-portfolio:

  1. How does your community usually plan how to execute a project?

How do you organize to find out the answers to “What, how, when, what resources and who”?

Initiating – communicating (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Executing
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