Local Resources & Asset-Based Community Development e-Portfolio Questions In your e-Portfolio, answer the following questions: In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the Asset Based Community Development section in your form: Think of projects you have worked with or been a part of. Have they used an asset-based or needs-based approach? What were the benefits or drawbacks of that approach? If you were going to select one asset that your community has that can be used to help support the community, what is it? How do you know your community has it? In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the Al-Ouna section in your form: What is a form of al-ouna that you participate in with your friends and community members? What are the challenges to al-ouna in your life? What is a form of al-ouna that could benefit the project you want to work on? How would you ask people to come together and help you by working together? In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the Asset Based Community Development section in your form: What is a resource that is going unused in your community? Is there a way you could make use of it? What’s a material resource you need in your project? How might you find a way to obtain it? In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the Human Resources section in your form: What is the value for your mobilization project of working together with others? What do they bring to the project? How do you work to make sure you are making a positive contribution to a group, when you are working together with others? Will your project require volunteers beyond the people who are involved in planning the mobilization? What might they do? How would you recruit them and match them to work that needs to be done? Enter your email below to receive a copy of your answers Please login to get access to submit assignmentBack to Local Resources & Asset-Based Community Development