Varieties of Community Mobilization e-Portfolio Questions

Varieties of Community Mobilization e-Portfolio Questions

    In your e-Portfolio, answer the following questions:

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Pick a Model' section in your form:

    • Which of these models seems like the best one to work on your issue? Or do you think you need a different model to work it?

    • Are you more interested in working in a utilitarian or transformative manner? How can you combine both styles of work?

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Development, Action, Integration, Opposition' section in your form:

    • Name four organizations, projects, or mobilizations that you know if that fit into these four categories. Are there any organizations that do both development and action, or that do both oppositional and integration work?

    • Is the project you want to do development or action? Is it integration or opposition? Or does it combine these categories? Explain why.

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Facilitating Community Ideas' section on your form.

    • Can you think of an organization that fills the role of facilitator in your community? When they facilitate a project, do they help the members of the community maintain control over it? What could they do differently?

    • Do you think you would want to work with an organization to facilitate your project? Or on the contrary, would you want to serve as a facilitator for the ideas of others in your community? How might that work in practice?

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Thinking Beyond “Projects”' section on your form.

    • Have you ever worked on, been a participant in, or witnessed a ‘project’ run by an organization? What was your experience? What did it offer that was good? What were the challenges? What might you have changed, if you had been in charge?

    • Is there a part of your community mobilization vision that might work as a project? Why or why not? What parts of your vision don’t fit within the project model?

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Becoming Institutionalized' section on your form.

    • What is a project you know that started as just a group of friends or people who know each other? What were its successes? Did it choose to institutionalize? How?

    • Do you think your project will require becoming more institutionalized at some point? Why or why not?

    In your mobilization e-Portfolio, answer these questions that are attributed to the 'Opting Out' section on your form.

    • Can you think of an example when people in your community built an alternative system or chose to stop participating in a system that was not good for them? How did it work? What did they achieve?

    • What are some things that you believe should exist in a better, improved future? How might you ‘pre-figure’ them in your work?

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