Lesson Archives

  1. Uma pessoa pode ter conexões e relacionamentos com diversas comunidades diferentes com base em marcadores de identidade. Estes marcadores podem ser aspectos com os quais um indivíduo nasce...
  2. You’re burnt out, what now? There are four simple steps to make sure you’re able to recharge. The steps sound very obvious and your initial instinct would likely be to ignore them, but...
  3. When you are carrying out an action or mobilization, it is important to create a record of what you’ve done and what you’re doing, as well as recording your...
  4. When working on an initiative you will of course face challenges from all aspects. However, before moving in order to implement a possible solution to...
  5. One important thing is to differentiate between knowledge and assumptions.  Often we assume that something is true, because it was true in a different circumstance, it was...
  6. When you are beginning working in a community, starting a new project or mobilization, you need to gather a lot of knowledge about the issues at hand. In particular...
  7. When you are gathering knowledge for community mobilization, it is important to recognize the importance of relational knowledge and accountability for your...
  8. This is a community mobilization approach to knowledge: letting the collective knowledge of the community guide your work together.