Introduction to Project Management
Home Introduction to Project Management
Introduction to Project Management
As a collective process and a form of social action, a community mobilization can...
In this video, Professor Lavagnon Ika, project management professor at the University of Ottawa, explains what a project is and...
Because of its temporary nature, a project has a beginning, a middle and an end, and...
Another important characteristic of a project is identified by its three main elements – scope, time and cost...
The first step to initiate a project in a community mobilization is to gather the community and...
After delivering the initiation stage, the next stage is to plan how to...
After the planning stage, the community starts to implement the project. The deliverable...
Generally considered as the last stage of a project lifecycle, the evaluation...
The final stage that we can add to the Project Lifecycle is the celebration one. Gathering the community...
As we have studied, community mobilizations can take place around...