To make sure that the shared dream is clear, the community can articulate a deliverable for this stage of the project, focusing on “what is the project about?” and “why is it important?”. In this video, professor Lavagnon explains why it is important to make clear the underlying reasons for the project.
In this video, professor Lavagnon explains why it is important to make clear the underlining reasons of the project.
00:15-1:45 AMD4103 Project Management – Video 7 – YouTube
Whether you are writing a Project Proposal or producing a video about it, the form of the deliverable depends on the characteristics of the community and the resources available. For instance, in the case of the Estrutural Committee of the Tempo de Plantar movement, the children produced a mural of drawings to represent the shared dream of having a “Green city”.
In your e-portfolio
a) After refining the idea, what is the best way to communicate clearly the collective dream to your community? And to your partners? And to sponsors ?